Welcome to the Hot Mess
There have been some steaming piles of hot mess left on our collective doorstep over the last couple of weeks. And hot mess is a euphemism for what this is. Governors Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott (Florida and Texas, respectively but also with no respect) sit atop this steaming pile with their cheap political stunt. These wo duped some of the most vulnerable members of our society – undocumented immigrants – by shuttling them to what they consider wealthier “sanctuary cities” ON OUR DIME. And there were a lot of dimes spent on this. Then there’s Brett Favre, the Welfare Queen. Scamming welfare money and essentially snatching it from impoverished people in Mississippi, which is one of the poorest states in the country. Then on a different note, Dr. Stewart leads the conversation with Montoiya Collins and Ariane Graves around Mental Illness Awareness Week and National Depression Screening Day. AND it’s the ladies in the building this time!